EQApp - Stable manager system

Horse Teeth

Horse Training

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Mobile App
It is possible to use all mobile devices to access data and to you have full user rights on all devices.

Stable touch screen
Touch screen comes 18 to 65 inches screens and makes it easy to get an overview of the daily task in the stable.

Apple - Appstore
Download EQApp from Apple appstore for your Iphone or for Ipad.

Android Google play
Download EQApp from Google Play.
EQApp is a well tested product which has shown its value with many customers all over the world and in many different horse industries. It is our primary task to make a tool that adds value to customers in their daily work.

Who We Are
We are a family owned business that have been involved in the horse business for the last 40 years. In 2012 our daughter was accepted for the danish national equestrian team for pony show jumping. We had 11 ponies at that time and both had full time work and our daughter was in school. To make it possible to manage all this task we needed a planning tool and this was the start of EQApp.
We have since that date developed the product to also be able to be used in different horse industries and we have today a streamlined product that can be used in all kind of horses business.
If you need more info do not hesitate to contact us.
EQApp is a well tested product which has shown its value with many customers all over the world and in many different horse industries. It is our primary task to make a tool that adds value to customers in their daily work.
Lets setup online demo
Get in contact and we can setup online demo where we can setup EQApp with your own horse data. A demo normaly takes 30 min and you will then have 14 days free to test system in own environment.